Doug Stewart Works to Quantify Daily to Weekly Non-Catastrophic Weather Risk
October 17, 2020
Given the unpredictability of weather due to increased global warming, weather-sensitive businesses must adequately adapt, anticipate, and mitigate their weather risk. Businesses can find correlation of volatile weather with sales data and possible financial deficits. Various insurance and financial products analyze weather risk on a monthly or seasonal basis. However, for a wide variety of businesses, it is necessary to look closer, at the daily or weekly changes in weather patterns, to better analyze (and adapt to prevent) potential weather risk.
With more than 35 years of experience, Weather Risk Mapping, LLC (WRM) uses statistical methods and real-world weather data to provide probabilistic assessments for businesses exposed to weather risk. WRM makes it simple for anyone to understand the link between weather and the risks that it can pose. Utilizing historical data, as well as model analysis and future trends, WRM has a scientific, quantitative method for assessing weather risk that can be used worldwide. WRM offers customized analysis of weather impacts, as well as weather forecasts for businesses ready to be more aware of their weather risk.