ACM Attends the PLRB Claims Conference and Insurance Services Expo
Published: March 22, 2024
This week, ACM members Rick Shema and Gary Graeff are representing the Association of Certified Meteorologists at the Property & Liability Resource Bureau's Claims Conference and Insurance Services Expo in Boston, MA. PLRB's Claims Conference brings together insurance professionals and service providers from across the country for three days of educational and networking opportunities.

As exhibitors at the conference, Rick and Gary are highlighting the importance and value of working with AMS Certified Consulting Meteorologists (CCMs) throughout the insurance claims adjusting, investigation, and litigation process whenever weather is a factor in question or dispute. Working with a CCM early in the claims process allows insurance professionals to firmly establish the weather impacts at a given property or location, which can often prevent a contentious or disputed claim from proceeding into costly litigation.
All consulting members of the Association of Certified Meteorologists are AMS CCMs who are considered experts in the application of weather information to a host of practical challenges, and many of our ACM members specialize in forensic meteorology in support of insurance and legal matters.